Monday, August 30, 2010

First blog

Why is everyone so worried about the environment?
Children deal with a cartoon who does not know what is the "big deal" about the environment.
The students have to explain to the character about saving electricity, water, pollution and wastage. Their job is to inform the character.
Cartoon character aged 10: wastes water, wastes electricity, thrown rubbish on the ground, wastes food.
Students visit him at his house.
Scene 1 John at his house at the front. House has: green grass, flowers, three cars, pool, sprinkler on, hose wasting water that is going down a drain that has rubbish in it.
"Hi, I'm John, this is my house. I live here with my Dad, Mum, older Sister Sue and big Brother Tony".
Father comes out of house says he is going to shops at the end of the street to buy a paper. Has old gas guzzling car.
John: "Thats my Dad, he's angry at the moment, he says he doen't understand why the electricity, food and water bills are so high".
Dad grunts and drives off.
Scene 2 inside the kitchen.
"This is our kitchen". Old refrigerator open, tap dripping, lights on, radio playing, small tv on. Dishes in sink, oven on, food wasting.
Scene 3 "this is our loungeroom". Lights on, tv on, stereo on, game player on, laptop on, heater on. "My Brother Tony is out at the moment, thats his game player he has it on pause until he gets back, in about an hour".
Scene 4 The Bathroom. "My sister has the shower on to warm up, we can check the bathroom out while she makes a phone call". Shower running hot water, lights on, heater on, radio playing, tap dripping water, toilet single flush.
Scene 5 Johns room "And this is my room". Lamp on, stereo on, tv on, heater on, window open, computer on, game player on, light on, lamp on.

Students then view the rooms and click on each appliance, etc to see about them.
Students asked why they think the bills are so high.
Go to the Ergon or simular site. Bring in audit machine to classroom.
Suggest students audit the room, then the school. Ask students what can they do to stop wastage. If the solution costs money eg solar panels, what can they do to raise money.

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